
This is a short rundown of how I make my buildings. All the pics are shot with my Iphone 5S, bear over with the poor quality.

I start out with some foam called "Hips". It got a plastic kind of surface, wich avoid the foam from melting when spraypainting the building, but makes it harder to sculpt in the foam.
I Draw everything with a pencil and then push the foam with a modelling tool to highlight the recesses. The roof tiles are cut out from old GW boxes and hand laid with a glue gun.
Here's an example of one of my buildings ready for painting.

Another building with an undercoat of black texture spraypaint, from my local graffiti store.
It's for covering an area before using silverspray, on cars among other things, but it works for texturing miniature buildings as well...  It has a black/brown-ish colour.

This is the one:
Oh... and the undercoated building:

Then on to the stonework. First a heavy drybrush of light grey, then picking stones out with brown and a blueish colours.

Then a layer of ochre.

And a heavy drybruch with a mix of ochre and eggshell white:

Last a light drybrush of the eggshell alone:

 And with the flash on...

Last a heavy drybrush with a light brown/greyish colour on all the woodwork.
That's all I got off hands in the workshop last night. What's left are drybrushing the roof with a dark grey, adding some sand to the roof and interior, make a base and add all the details.

Here's a the first shown building all finished and based. (well... some tufts still need to be added)


The second last day of the year was spend in the workshop with my friend Jeppe. He was building a Captain Nemo inspired skaven warband for our new Mordheim campaign.

I spent the evening building some market stalls for the table. Heres the run down in pics:
First up, the base in foamboard. Made the stones with a ruler and a pencil.

Texturing and damaging the stonework with a utility knife and a pencil.

Found some remnants from an old project, gave the corners some cuts with the utility knife to make them look more uneaven and "not so industrial made"...

Glued the sticks together with a hot glue gun and added some storks from a GW Bretonnia sprue, think it's a banner top.

More sticks added...

The rear of the "shop"

The roof

Crates and shields added, to make it a... Tadaaa! A shield shop...

More stuff added and now it is ready to throw on some sand and small pebbles to make it look abandoned.
 But it is not quite finished. I've got a plan involving baby tissues and pva glue... More to come!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing work, man! Your terrain is so inspiring. I'll definitely attempt to replicate your methods!
